Subtleties of Color

The author's experience with color, coming from NASA, emphasizes the importance of color maintaining accuracy and scientific resonance. The examples that he used to communicate where lightness, saturation, and hue can be used and misused were easy to understand and reminded me how important it is to be strategic with…

Poor Form: Reading Review

The author begins by providing sound advice for creating data visualizations. Specific points that I took away include: one of the first considerations is determining who the audience is - what may work for a group of experts will likely be different than what would work for a general audience.…

Parallel & Radial Coordinates // Star Plots

Values Represented: Multivariate, numerical data. These visualization tools allow comparison between many variables together to be able to see the relationships between them and bring visibility to outliers. For example, you may want to compare the specs of a specific product from multiple brands. The plots can easily become cluttered…