Antonie Dreyer

The subtleties of colour is both insightful and intriguing. It is amazing to consider the vast amount of resources that are linked to this series of blog posts and the knowledge base to draw from, not to mention the many tools that are available; which are most definitely worth bookmarking.…

Antonie Dreyer

The Chapter “Looking at data” seems to live up to its goal to discuss why some visualizations are better than others. It refers to practical theories and effectively illustrates how we perceive data-related graphics through the use of examples. The chapter seems effective in extending the concepts of visual perception…

Permutation Matrix

Permutation matrices are sortable charts used to explore patterns and correlations in multi-dimensional re-orderable data. Jacques Bertin knew that interaction is at the heart of exploring hidden relationships in data. Before modern computers existed, Bertin constructed physical wooden matrices (called "Dominos") to explore data. The re-orderable matrices were made through…