Inhye Lee: Subtleties of Color

Okay. I think this is time for me to have a little self reflection. I confess. I often habitually use digital tools without really thinking about what is happening behind the scenes. For instance, I rarely put a thought into what the difference is between desaturation and grayscale, since the…

Inhye Lee

Petit Response 1: Before reading Look at data by Kieran Healy, I was getting curious about how ”colors” in data visualization were to set to function where the change of which is often executed in codes or provided as a pre-defined color palette these days. Personally, 1.3.1 Edges,…


A table arranges data using grids (rows and columns). It is sometimes called a matrix, a data table or a data grid. It is one of the most commonly and widely used data visualization types. A Little History Spreadsheets (interactive data table applications) first came about in the late 70's.…