The author uses the example of Holme’s “Monstrous Costs” chart as an embellished chart with junk that is memorable but not easier to interpret. I disagree with her statement. I think she forgets to mention the aspect of relatability and interpretation. A chart like the “Monstrous Cost” using a monster graphic to convey a certain emotion (how crazy the large cost is) is not an example of junkchart. The illustration itself might not convey numerical data, but there is data, in the abstract form, being conveyed. I also think that charts that effectively use illustrations like this are for sure easier (and faster!) to read as well.

Bad data and data perception issues talk a lot about how visualizations can be a powerful tool to kind of “lie” to people and push forth a certain narrative that you want. This is addressed again in honesty and good judgment. The author talks about how axis make charts misleading, whether deliberate or not, but also how certain axis can be used to mislead on certain charts, and not on others. These concepts remind me a lot of the problems addressed in How to Lie with Statistics on data misinterpretation. In the chapter, the Whiz Graph, the author talks about how manipulating axis and misrepresenting ranges is a way to force trends you want, which is unethical since the trends may not even exist.

I think these concepts are so important, especially for graphics that are data-driven and used to sway real life decision-making. As data visualization developers we both have a responsibility to not partake in these practices, and watch out for them for ourselves.

Overall I really loved the article. The author does a great job in covering the most important aspects of creating visualizations, from how shapes and colors are interpreted, to misrepresentation of data and what goes into decision making when choosing how to represent data. It was super informative and clear.

Interested to hear what my classmates focused on in this piece. It coveres a wide range of topics, and for me visual misrepresentation as a way to manipulate stories has always been an interest.