Week 4


  • Right Twice a Day
    • Polish and incorporate feedback on your three code-based time visualizations
    • Convert your paper sketches into code for your three date visualizations. As before, duplicate the project folder three times and name them date-1, date-2, and date-3. Once the sketch is complete, rename each folder with a meaningful and descriptive suffix such as date-3-season-colors
  • Poor Form
    • Read Kierann Healy’s chapter on ‘badness’ in information graphics. For every reading assignment, you will be expected to post a short (250–500 word) write-up summarizing what you took to be the ‘message’ of the piece, what you agreed or disagreed with, and what you’d be curious to hear your peers’ opinions about. Be sure to add the tag "R1" to your post by clicking on the gear icon at the top of the screen and don’t forget to Publish your draft.
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